Happy Wednesday to you!
How are you this morning? Leave a comment below concerning any updates on your December 2014 vision board. I look forward to reading about your progress. I am hoping to collaborate with my favorite bloggers in the near future. I have a few ideas for collaborations that are in the planning phase. So, pray that things come together well. Besides that, it is time for today’s post!
If you are new to this website, each week I write a gratitude list. The purpose of the weekly activity is to give thanks for my present circumstances. As you know, life consists of happy days and sad days. This year my one of my uncles and my maternal grandfather passed away within the span of one month. Also, many other painful events transpired in my life. In the same time frame, I earned my Master’s degree, purchased my first car, and started this website. Certainly, 2014 has presented me with various highs and lows. With each occurrence (good and bad), I chose to maintain an attitude of gratitude.
Being thankful continues to have a positive impact on my life. Thus, I encourage you, no matter what this week brings, to write your own list of thanksgiving. Without further delay, here is today’s
- I am thankful for the holiday cheer that exists in my home without any gifts under our Christmas tree.
- I am thankful for every opportunity to spend time or converse with my family members.
- I am thankful for God’s steadfast love for me.
- I am thankful for all of the prayers lifted up for me continually.
- I am thankful for each person who cheerfully serves the less fortunate.
- I am thankful for quality animal rescue shelters.
- I am thankful for God’s protection as I drove across state several nights and days for 2 years to complete my graduate studies.
- I am thankful for the ability to be honest and give hope through each post.
- I am thankful for you, the reader.
What are you thankful for this week?