Many Christians read the book of Leviticus and bypass its value because of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many Christians feel that because Jesus Christ became the ultimate and final sacrifice that studying Leviticus is not of major importance. However, as followers of Jesus Christ, it is important that we read and study both the Old and New Testament scriptures over and over again. Remember, Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Law. Therefore, we need to have a complete understanding of what that means.
Leviticus reminds us that God is holy. We should be mindful of how we present ourselves to Him. We have to seek God and inquire how He wants us to come before Him.
Think about it. In a good relationship, you care about how you present yourself to your significant other. You take into consideration what the person likes and dislikes. You don’t make a conscious effort to present yourself in a way that the person dislikes.
Now think about God. He is good to us. He is long-suffering and patient. He is kind and compassionate. Don’t you think He deserves our consideration?
The main thing to consider is: Do you really love God? If you don’t love God, it will be hard for you to consider Him. It will be hard for you to conform to a lifestyle that pleases Him. If you don’t love God, you won’t see a reason why you should conform.
However, if you love Him and you are struggling, don’t be discouraged. Be honest with God about the difficulties you are having. Ask God to help you to love Him in a way that He desires to be loved. Ask God to help you understand His love for you. God is willing to help you to draw near to Him. Seek Him with all your heart, and you will find Him.