Weekly Gratitude List

Happy Sunday to you!

I am a resident of the United States. In our society, the word ‘DESERVE’ is overused. People feel an entitlement to the things they possess and even things they do not possess. For this reason, I place much importance on this exercise. The weekly gratitude list is a powerful tool that refocuses our perspective. It reminds us that we do not deserve any of the blessings we receive. It reminds us of our connection to human beings all throughout the world—that one life is not more valuable than another. The gratitude list urges us not to take any good for granted.

It has been quite awhile since I’ve completed the exercise on this platform. What a sad confession! The gratitude list is the foundation of this website. I know for certain that thanksgiving has propelled me into many open doors. Thanksgiving has transformed the way I view God, the way I see myself, and the way I interact with others. Thanksgiving is necessary! So appreciate all the persons in your life who call you to a life of gratitude.

Weekly Gratitude List

  1. I am grateful for my relationship with God, my heavenly Father.
  2. I am thankful for the power of prayer to transform even the most hopeless circumstances.
  3. Thank you God for allowing me to experience the wonders of winter, spring, summer, and fall.
  4. Thank you God for protecting my loved ones and me as we travel via various forms of transportation each week.
  5. Thank you God for access to clean drinking water.
  6. Thank you God for novels that allow me to learn from other people’s perspectives and gives me insight and wisdom.
  7. Thank you God for a place to call home.
  8. Thank you God for being patient with me and correcting me in love.
  9. Thank you God for your deliverance and your redemption.
  10. Thank you God for good health: physiological, psychological, and spiritual.
  11. Thank you Lord for the mindset to say thank you with sincerity.
  12. Thank you God for the lives of every person reading this list.

Now, it is your turn to share! I look forward to reading your personal gratitude list via the comment section below.



Psalm 75:1 We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds.